Friday, September 28, 2007


My wife hollered that there was a spider crawling on our bed. I quickly grabbed hold of the nearest object I could get my hands on which happened to be my child's Jedi Light Saber toy (from the movie Star Wars). Retracting the plastic saber blade, I whacked at the more-than-normal-sized spider and killed it after two strikes. Seeing this whole episode transpire before his eyes, Nicolas was amazed at my ability in wielding his Jedi Light Saber. "Whoa, wow!" he exclaimed. But then he backtracked on his initial admiration and strongly remarked, "But Dad, you can't kill spiders. Spiders are good."

Grasping for a justified answer, I replied, "Yup, you are right. We should not kill good spiders. But that one," as I pointed to the dead spider, "That spider was an evil one. I had no choice."


Nicolas asked why soft drinks are not good for children. I told him that there are alternative healthier drinks children can take like orange juice or apple juice. I then asked him, "What do you think is the healthiest and purest drink you can have?" Nicolas thought for a bit. "It starts with the letter 'W'.", I added as I gave him a clue. Nicolas then answered, "Wine."

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Over lunch, Savion informed me that his Lolo (Grandfather) promised being around for another 15 years, making it to age 85. This made Savion think of aging and death, consequently asking, "Daddy, until when will you be around with us." Sidetracking the question, I mimicked a very old man walking with a cane, speaking as if all my teeth were gone - "Mmmmh, Ay ammmhhh showww owwld my shhon." (translation: "Mmmm, I am so old my son.") Savion laughed hard.

Afterwards, as Savion sat in the rear seat of the vehicle I was driving, he again asked the same question hoping to get a response this time. I went on with my old man mimicry. Savion smiled and laughed again. Then after a few moments, he turned serious. Looking thru the rear view mirror, I saw Savion lean forward and assuredly remark, "Don't worry Daddy, I'll work hard."

As I fought back a tear or two, unable to utter a word, I just thought to myself how my son will be taking care of me during my twilight years. I felt much relief and gratitude.

Then Savion leaned forward and belatedly asked, "By the way Dad, how much are false teeth anyway?"

Saturday, September 1, 2007


At "Grandparent's Day" at school, Savion was asked to read the 1st Reading during the celebration of mass. Savion read with much confidence and success. Afterwards, he shared to me what he experienced - "I was very nervous. The crowd was bigger than any from the recitals (violin recitals). The tears were about to get out of my eyes. But, I held them back. Whew!"

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