Wednesday, October 29, 2008


These days we can easily get lyrics of any song by searching the internet. Gone are the days when we played back, paused and rewound an audio tape to get the lyrics of our current fave song. Most often we got the lyrics wrong. But still we sang to our heart's content.

Savion has been listening to Beatles songs. He told me that he tried his best to get the lyrics of his favorite song by (1) writing fast and (2) listening to the song over and over. He could not pause the song since he used an inexpensive MP3 player.

At bedtime, we sometimes sing this song instead of the usual prayer - "Let it Be... Let it Be..."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Savion was elected class president.
He gave the following as his acceptance speech:

Good morning.
Thank you for making me Class President.
Let us all help make our school the best school in the Philippines.
We have to help each other and help our teachers.
If we work as a team, we will be successful.
Let us all put the best effort in everything we do,
When we study, and when we play.
If we want to succeed and reach the top,
Give all effort!
Give all that we can give!
Work hard! Study hard! Play hard!
Always remember, our school motto – “SEMPER ALTIUS”!
Thank you.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Nicolas' classmate asked, "Teacher, why do we have to go to school?" Nicolas raised his hand and volunteered an answer, "So that we will be civilized."
Image courtesy of Liora Grossman (

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Four years ago, Savion wore this purple flower costume for his school's Halloween costume event. This was his tribute to his grandmother, Lola Linda, who loved the color purple.

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