Thursday, March 29, 2012


Nick Kelsh ( wrote about 
our lifelong photo project - "Hand-Savion".
Sid Garcia, a man I’ve never met, sent me these photographs recently. Twelve pictures taken over the last twelve years. It’s his hand with the hand of his young son.

I put this tip in spontaneously, prompted by a most thoughtful email I received a couple of days ago. It was from Sid Garcia—we’ve never met. It read:

Good day, Mr. Kelsh. Before my son was born, I got a copy of your book How to Photograph Your Baby. I’ve been doing a number of lifelong photo projects. Here’s one of them. I thought you would enjoy this. Thank you for your inspiration.
Sincerely, Sid
Mr. Garcia had been prompted by a suggestion I made in the book to annually photograph your hands and the hands of your baby as he or she grows up. I thought about that picture when I was photographing my own hand this weekend holding a print of Alexander. Then Sid’s email arrived; I took it as a sign.
The randomness and spontaneous attitude in Sid’s pictures worked so well. I would have been all up-tight about cleaning up backgrounds and making sure the light was consistent, but Sid just fired when ready and all of the pictures worked like one of those quilts where every mother in the village finishes a square and it all comes together magically like somebody had a grand vision.
But on a practical side, here’s what Sid brought to the party that puts him in the minority. He did it; Sid has stick-to-it-iveness. The most important ingredient in these projects is commitment; you have to follow through.
These pictures are what the wonderful 365 movement is all about. Can you do it? Can you run the distance? Are you one of the few? Can you keep your eye on the prize?
Let people like Sid show you the way.
Thank you, for that, Sid. There’s little doubt in my mind that your pictures will go farther and hit harder than you ever thought possible.

Check more of our Lifelong Photo Projects at:

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